Thursday, July 5, 2018

Happy Freedom Day - Keep on Dreaming!

Quote by Bernard Edmonds: 
"To dream anything that you want to dream. That's the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed."

This is the perfect quote for this Independence Day July 4th 2018. The freedom to dream, the freedom to imagine, the freedom to move and live, and the freedom to follow your own path. Free will is an amazing gift that human beings have here on this planet, and in America we have the gift of Freedom thanks to our Constitutional Rights. There are so many people in this world struggling, suffering, and not able to experience freedom. Especially at this time, sadly even in America, there are all these migrant families separated and suffering in our own country, because of I guess you could say; the free will of our heartless government. They made this incomprehensible decision to torture these people, just because they're here seeking Asylum from a country that threatens their life and well-being. 

It's really a very sad Independence Day in America this year, and I sure hope we can right this wrong, and our government can find it in their hearts to be kind to these people that are suffering. Somehow we have to change this decision made by the government to separate families and keep them in cages and detention camps? It just doesn't feel like America right now, and it's very hard to be proud to be an American, especially on this Independence Day - this 4th of July 2018. I'm sorry to have to feel this way, it tugs at my heartstrings, and I have no idea how I can personally make any difference? I just have to pray and hope that the Universe can turn this around, and we can once again be proud to be Americans. 

We must be kind to our neighbors and those immigrants who are fleeing their countries to save and improve their lives. America is made of Immigrants. There is a good chance I wouldn't even be alive right now if my grandparents hadn't immigrated from Russia and Greece. They came through Ellis Island. I don't know what the rules and regulations were then but they certainly weren't citizens when they crossed the border. Of course they had to become citizens eventually.This zero tolerance concept that you know who in our government has come up with is absolutely heartless and insane. I just hope this incomprehensible policy is changed immediately. I almost feel like I want to leave this country and go elsewhere, where there's more humanity, kindness and love.

It’s time to change the subject of this current dark side of free will, and to get on the positive side of it in my own life.  

I am extremely grateful to have this time in my life right now, to have total freedom to wake up every day and do whatever I please. I'm trying to figure out how to do this for the rest of my existence, and at the same time earn an income doing what I love, and doing my best to make a difference in this world. If I can dream it I can do it! I just have to find the courage, the stamina, the resilience, the hope, the desire, and the guidance to find what my Authentic Soul is Dreaming to Become. 

One of my favorite quotes of all time is by James Allen:  Dream lofty dreams, and as you dreamso you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.

This is my third Act of life now, and I shall be grateful if I have at least 10 good years left, so I really need to get cracking and do something that I really love, so I can make a difference in others’ lives. This is a beginning, a new ritual for the next 30 Days, that I was inspired to do by a recent TED Talk I watched. This is the second day now that I'm writing these essays. It’s a good way to get in touch with my inner desires, and share this universal insight with others. I am getting my inspiration from these wonderful quotes from my special Dream Book. I have been flipping to a page of dream quotes each day for the last several years, and they have now become the perfect start to these essays.

Happy Freedom Day & Happy Independence Day! I shall keep on dreaming and soon take action to make a difference in this world.

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