Thursday, December 20, 2018

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season
filled with Loving-Kindness & Compassion. 
-Zen Heart Creations

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Happy World Kindness Day!

 Zen Daily Words
A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. -William Arthur Ward
Happy World Kindness Day!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Expansion....Check out our NEW Website....

Click on the HEART link to check out our new website: Zen Daily Words

Life finds its purpose and fulfillment in the expansion of happiness. -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Sedona Vortex Beauty!

Sharing some of my favorite Sedona Vortex Beauty Photos! Galorious Places to hike in this new month of October! Check out the Art From The HEART Gallery to view these photo gems up close. Click on the link to purchase prints at Fine Art America.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

My Vision for Our America!


I wrote the essay: My Vision for Our America last year on 12/23/17 and felt compelled to share it again today with this addendum due to the historic and grueling Senate hearing we all had to endure this past week.


“MY VISION FOR OUR AMERICA”   by Marlene Rose Besso

In 37 days we MUST ALL get out to VOTE on November 6, 2018, it is our only chance of making changes in OUR America that will affect everyone. I am hopeful that the outcome will allow us to begin healing and get on track to become once again Proud to be Americans. It is astonishing what has continued to unfold in these past 9 months since I wrote my essay last year. What we have given BIRTH to in Our America is absolutely appalling, but at the same time I am very encouraged by the courageous and brave women who have come forward to speak their truth. We are slowly but surely beginning to be understood and listened to. We will not be ignored any longer. In these past several months we have all watched as brave and courageous women have spoken their truth causing powerful men to be deservingly taken down from their thrones for their horrendous disrespect of women. We are finally watching respect and equality slowly being restored for women in this country, it is happening in our workplaces and hometowns every day, thanks to the Freedom of Our Press these wrongs have been exposed and now the momentum of change is occurring daily.  

This past week watching the bravery and honesty exemplified by Dr. Ford as she spoke her truth at the Senate hearing caused me to feel sadness and gratitude at the same time. It was heart wrenching that she had to share the details of what happened to her in public, when this should have been handled confidentially and fairly by the so-called leadership in Congress,  but nevertheless, she did her civic duty and now more than ever we all know how credible and honorable that was for her to share and endure. Thank you Dr. Ford. There was a moment when someone misspoke and referred to her as Senator Ford…that made me smile, since she seemed more CAPABLE of that title than some of the so called Senators on that committee. I watched in total astonishment when the SCOTUS Nominee shared his so-called truth. At times I had to turn off the volume, it was excruciating to watch. I kept thinking how in the world would it be possible for someone with that kind of temperament and partisanship get confirmed to sit on the Supreme Court for a lifetime position? There must be more honorable women and men to choose from as compared to what we witnessed and learned about in this candidate this past week. It’s ironic that the choice was made by a president that we did not choose! The confirmation is being bulldozed through by the GOP elected officials that have obviously lost all respect for their country. Thankfully this confirmation is on hold for and investigation, something that our level headed and honorable elected officials (on the other side) have asked for all along. I am confident that the truth always comes out.

In the meantime, the only way to resolve this imbalance and deterioration of Our America is to VOTE these people out of their positions of disrespect for our country. There are many honorable candidates deserving of our VOTES, so we can once and for all begin to reverse this historic downfall in our government. We must bring back the crucial concept of caring about OUR AMERICA over their party. Our democracy will be strong once again when we all make our voices heard and VOTE on November 6, 2018.


“MY VISION FOR OUR AMERICA”     by Marlene Rose Besso

There are 8 days left in this fabulous year 2017! I say that this year has been fabulous very sarcastically as you might have guessed! January 20, 2017 began a new chapter in America that the majority of us are still in horror and shock over on a daily basis. The Women’s March on the next day, January 21st was awe inspiring, invigorating, and for a few weeks we were in the afterglow of having made our voices heard loud and clear, not just women, but men too! Fast forward 11 months later and still the majority of Americans are still in horror and shock on a daily basis if we still watch the news. I have to be vigilant with how much news I ingest, otherwise I become depressed, angry and sometimes feel hopeless. Other times I am again invigorated to make my voice heard, calling and emailing my Congress Members and Senators each time the GOP attempts to rape Americans from their basis needs. This is NOT a democracy anymore, our government is run by the GOP who refuse to put their country over party, and greedy donors who control financing their re-election. It all resembles a sports event, ramming the ball/bill through to the other side, just to get a so called win! In 2018 those attempts and very few wins will be rewarded with big GOP re-election losses. Americans must go to the polls and make their voices heard with our votes for honorable people who care about our country over party. We cannot sit back and watch our country be raped and abused by those in our government who have no conscious or respect for our country. I have used the word rape, and now the word abused because as of the past several months, a huge Tipping Point has occurred in our country thanks to courageous women who made their voices heard loud and clear. It gives me hope for our future and so much pride for all the women who have come forward after years of shame and suffering that was not theirs to live with.  In 2017 a woman was not elected into office because of an old antiquated Electoral College procedure but let us not forget that a WOMAN was Elected by popular vote. Now the women are the ones who are literally “draining the swamp” of men who have no respect for women, using their powerful positions to degrade, destroy and disable them from progressing in their careers. Now the men have lost their careers and in my opinion should be making apologies and going to jail for their disgusting behavior. 

My prayer and hope for OUR AMERICA, our government to be run by a majority of women. No lobbyists, donors, big money for elections, just honorable citizens who care what direction our country will go in the future. I wish I would be alive to witness the transformational changes of a government run with respect, dignity, kindness, and compassion. A truly needed advancement in our country instead of this insanity we are witnessing in 2017. For the sake of our children, and their children we must commit to voting for honorable candidates and make our voices heard loud and clear on election day November 6, 2018. See you on January 20, 2018 for the 2nd annual WOMEN’S MARCH.

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