Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Dreams of Courage & FAITH!

Quote by Walt Disney:

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

I'm not sure when Walt Disney wrote this quote but I imagine it was after he was successful with his business endeavors! Courage is the key to so many aspects of life. Again, it reminds me of my acronym for the word FAITH, because you can't really have courage without having a Fearless Attitude in Thy Heart. It takes courage to escape from our comfort zones, and attempt new ways of doing things and embarking on new adventures. I have always been very independent and self-sufficient starting out at a very young age due to family circumstances. Those traits built character in me and created a sense of courage in my heart and soul. All these years later, I do consider myself very courageous, as I have moved out of my comfort zone to relocate to two new cities on my own in the past 12 years. It definitely was out of my comfort zone, and I felt vulnerable and at times even somewhat fearful since I was all alone. But in no time I was able to make new friends and find my way, and it was always a wonderful adventure and new chapter in my life.

I am at that similar crossroads in my life right now, pondering a decision on whether or not I should take the leap of FAITH out of my comfort zone! It has to feel right in my heart and soul since it's a major move and costly endeavor at a crucial time in my life. I will continue to work out the details, and soon make a courageous decision to pursue my next dream! As we all know, Walt Disney sure was successful in his courageous pursuits!

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