Saturday, July 14, 2018

Moments in Time!

Quotes by Kahlil Gibran:

"The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness; and knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream."

I am always talking about being in the "in-between”, I guess a better way to put it is living in the moment. In between yesterday and tomorrow is today, this moment which is all we really know for sure that we have. I like this quote; it really stops me in my tracks and keeps me aware of being mindful, and not getting too far ahead of myself or looking back in the wrong direction.

I do love the feeling of timelessness when I'm creating art or writing, which is the perfect experience of living in the moment. It seems our minds like to swirl about thinking about the past and the future and forgetting that now is the time that we should be focused on. 

Life is ephemeral, and it's so important to enjoy each moment and be grateful for our lives. Writing a gratitude journal every morning is something I've been doing for years; it keeps me grounded, and reminds me of all the good fortune in my life. There's always something to be grateful for even if things are not going the way you had hoped. If you stop and think about the simple daily gifts of life there's always room for gratitude. Brightening someone’s day, laughing with a friend, doing a random act of kindness, and then the reward of seeing someone smile in gratitude! I have always said: "To Give is to Receive".

At this exact moment in time I am looking out my window and I see a beautiful pink sky as the sun is setting here in Sedona, Arizona after a day of threatening monsoons with clouds and thunder. I like to call this time of year, “Heart Cloud Season”, since there are always so many different cloud formations every day moving at a very fast pace, sometimes causing buckets of rain and sometimes causing beautiful rainbows. I am always out there with my camera searching for rainbows and heart clouds! I shall now call it Heart Cloud and Rainbow Season, I just came up with that idea in this moment

This is a gift from Mother Nature and it is only momentary because the sunset will never be exactly the same again. I guess there's a good lesson about timelessness just looking in the sky at the clouds, at a rainbow, and at a sunset! 

We must keep dreaming, enjoying every moment and always take the time to express the gratitude in each miraculous day of life we are given.

I took this photo a few years ago during monsoon season in Sedona!

Heart Cloud photo taken a few days ago in Sedona!

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